New York City, 2019

New York City, 2019

Ssu-Fang Jessie is a bilingual (Chinese and English) writer based in New York City. She is the author of Poor Little Things 可憐的小東西 , a short story collection, and Hide and Seek 躲貓貓, a collection of Chinese proses. In 2020, her short story, “Four Little Swans 四小天鵝”, won the Lin Rong-San Literature Prize, one of the most prestigious literary prizes for Chinese language writers. Her writing project of a short story collection was granted by the National Culture and Arts Foundation in 2021-2022. Her recent English prose can be found in The Vassar Review (2022).

Born in Taipei, Taiwan, she pursued her Ph.D. degree in East Asian Literature at the University of California, Irvine. She has taught Chinese language, literature, and culture at Pomona College (CA) and Georgetown University (DC) She is currently teaching at Hunter College and living in Brooklyn.

劉思坊是目前定居在紐約市的中英雙語作家。她的第一本中文散文作品《躲貓貓》於麥田出版社出版。第二本小說集《可憐的小東西》,由時報文學出版。她的短篇小說〈四小天鵝〉獲得2020年林榮三文學獎。短篇小說集寫作計畫於2021-2022年獲得國藝會補助。最新英文散文於The Vassar Review刊登(2022).


